United Kingdom
West Balkans

InnovationEurope’s role in driving global change
The PepsiCo Digital Hub in Barcelona, Spain, isn’t just an office. Think of it as a startup incubator.
How do I apply to PepsiCo?
How do I apply to PepsiCo?
Finding opportunities is easy. Use our job search or ask the personal recruiting assistant, Chester Cheetah, for some suggestions. You can also search by global region, country or other keywords. Try “remote” for jobs where location is flexible; “MBA” or other qualifications if you have specialized credentials; or a product name like “Cheetos” if you want a match to a favorite brand.
Read and take notes on the whole job description. Look at the job responsibilities and list past experiences where you’ve accomplished similar tasks. Use the Career Areas and Locations sections to learn more about specific teams you may be joining, and do some additional research about PepsiCo on our overall corporate site.
Got your opportunity picked out? Apply online to the job or internship you want and enter your details and answer prescreening questions.
Checking your application status is easy. Visit the Candidate Dashboard to get private updates and contact our recruiting team.

Life at PepsiCoOwnership that helps you develop
Flexible work environments boost engagement, work-life balance and all-around well-being. Work that Works is a program for PepsiCo corporate associates that empowers associates and their managers to choose where and howwork gets done. Because whenassociates are supported, they achieve even greater success.

Life at PepsiCo#PepsiCoGrads make their own career chat show

InnovationWhere were Lay’s Baked dreamed up? Turkey
Como fazemos negócio importa

PepsiCo Positive
Para cuidar do futuro do planeta, a PepsiCo seleciona colheitas e ingredientes cuidadosamente.

Escolhas Positivas
A PepsiCo só pode ter sucesso quando nossos(as) colaboradores(as) e a sociedade que servimos tiverem sucesso

Nossa História de Nutrição
Estamos constantemente inovando, procurando maneiras de adicionar grãos integrais, reduzir o açúcar e fazer outras mudanças na receita sem modificar o sabor.

Vida Leve
Os programas de bem-estar da PepsiCo ajudam os(as) colaboradores(as) a encontrarem equilíbrio e se engajarem.
Sorrimos ao ter você como parte da nossa Comunidade de Talentos.
Inscreva-se e adicione seu perfil para que nosso time de recrutamento possa te encontrar.